Mother And 4-Year-Old Daughter Take Adorable Pictures Of Their Impressive Yoga Poses
New-Jersey-based yoga practitioner and mother of two Laura Kasperzak has taken to doing yoga together with her 4-year-old daughter Mini and snapping cute photos. It didn’t take her long to realize that her 4-year-old daughter Mini is extremely fond of doing yoga, and the Internet went nuts – they already have 725,000 followers on Instagram.
Kasperzak has been practicing yoga for 17 years and has also been teaching classes and workshops in New Jersey. However, her passion for this Eastern meditation and training practice peaked after the births of her two children, who also found yoga interesting. Because Mini’s older brother is too shy to pose before the camera, she is more than happy to soak up the limelight.
These amusing and inspiring photos show that exercise can be fun. The sooner one introduces their kids to a healthy lifestyle in a fun way, the better.
Source: Instagram | twofitmoms.com (via)
Alex Baldwin’s wife Hilaria and their baby daughter Carmen also take part in a growing “Mommy and Me” yoga-selfie movement:
Share on FacebookThese are fabulous. Imagine if we taught yoga in nursery and grade school instead of dodge ball! And later- yoga instead of football???
These are fabulous. Imagine if we taught yoga in nursery and grade school instead of dodge ball! And later- yoga instead of football???